Be a Master not an Apprentice.

Find Flow.

Conquer Chaos.

Calmly Control.

align YOUR BODY, YOUR MIND + YOUR Business

leadership coaching

Jamie has developed a holistic coaching and leadership framework that integrates and builds on world class resources, such as Harvard Business Review & TED. Each stage of knowledge acquisition and development fit across three broad concentric circles know as the "Vision Framework".


Top talent is hard to find, difficult to develop and almost impossible to keep. Most business' are left to fend for themselves and muddle their way through caring for their talent. Jamie can provide organisation's with a tried and tested talent identification methodology combined with tailored training and development pathways.

winning strategy

What is a Strategy? Jamie adopts the Michael Porter approach, as Bill Gates & Warren Buffet do, by defining strategy as a plan to create a sustainable competitive advantage. If it can be copied, then it's not a strategy, but rather an operational efficiency. Jamie has 20+ years experience defining and deconstructing his clients strategies to help enhance their potency.

culture flow + control

What is culture? Most leaders attempt to tackle this nebulous beast without first defining exactly what they are addressing. The first step in aligning your culture is using a model to define it, then deconstruct it and then rebuild it. Jamie has 20+ years experience helping leaders do just that.

What do Jamie's clients say?

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