Coaching Metric Assessment

This self-report tool can be used to assess whether you are an Extrovert or Introvert. Your personality type has an impact on social behaviors and it can influence your career choice, lifestyle and relationships. Do the Assessment

Talent Potentiality Rating

DO THE TEST Assessor Details* First Last Assessor's Company Name* Email* Employee Details* First Last Employee Company* This employee could perform in a different position in a different area of the business within 12 – 18 months.*Completely Untrue Completely True 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This employee could take on […]

Extrovert-Introvert Quiz

This self-report tool can be used to assess whether you are an Extrovert or Introvert. Your personality type has an impact on social behaviors and it can influence your career choice, lifestyle and relationships. DO THE QUIZ Introvert-Extrovert Quiz Step 1 of 2 50% Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email I quickly feel […]

Empathy Questionnaire

The Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ) is a 16-item self-report tool that can be used to assess empathy. Empathy is an important component of social cognition that contributes to our ability to understand and respond to others’ emotions, succeed in emotional communication, and promote social behavior. DO THE TEST Toronto Empathy Questionnaire Step 1 of 2 […]

Stress Test

Thanks to the website for the following information. Understanding the Impact of Long-term Stress People use the word “stress” to describe a wide variety of situations – from your cell phone ringing while you’re talking on another phone – to the feelings associated with intense work overload, or the death of a loved-one. But […]

SCALE Profile

The Instrument and Authors: Darwin B. Nelson, Ph.D. & Gary R. Low, Ph.D. The Skills for Career And Life Effectiveness® (SCALE®) was originated and developed as the Personal Skills Map® in 1978. The authors, Darwin Nelson and Gary Low, are close personal friends who grew up together and have continued collaborating throughout their careers as […]

Personal Values & Energy Audit

The Energy Audit was developed 15 years ago by Executive Elites, as a means of exploring clients personal and professional “value-satisfaction”. That is the satisfaction they are currently experiencing within their own set of values and the subsequent implication on their personal energy. The results of the Energy Audit serve as the basis for the […]

Direct Leadership Audit

What is your approach to Leadership? Is it a balanced mix of Dogged Determination, Inspiration, Respectful Humility, Energy to Burn, Childlike Fun and Timing? DO THE AUDIT Name* First Last Email* Age* Industry* Gender* Male Female Prefer to not answer Each set of statements refers to a different aspect of DIRECT Leadership. If you completely […]

Leadership Styles

The 6 Styles of Leadership The 6 leadership Styles are based on the research of Daniel Golemen and Harvard Business School and the primary findings of the paper “Leadership that gets results.” Executive Elites has independently developed this questionnaire to ascertain how you view your leadership styles within this context, and importantly, how others view […]

Strength Test

Despite the field of positive psychology being relatively young the quest to understand the factors that drive human behavior, decisions, and feelings is eternal. Conceptually, there are two major research approaches that one can take to develop a model to develop the latter. First – the fundamental or “theoretical” approach. The main focus of a […]